9.1 Personality

Personality is defined as a person’s style of dealing with the world and particularly with other people.

Assess the personality test

  • reliability (low variance): if you test the same person over time, you should get the same result
  • validity (low bias): how well it measures what it’s supposed to measure?

One classic personality test over time is the Rorschach Inkblot: what do people see from the inkblot?

  • Most psychologists believe it has no validity at all

A better way to test personality

  • Gordon Allport took 18,000 traits from a dictionary that he viewed as bearing on personality.
  • Similar trains: friendly, sociable, welcoming, warm-hearted
  • Psychologist try to zoom it down to big 5 (OCEAN)
    • Stable over many years (more after 30)
    • Agreement across multiple observers
    • Predicts real world activities