9.5 Parents

shared environment doesn’t matter at least for children in well-off or middle-class families.

Judith Rich Harris, the nurture assumption, why children turn out the way they do. parents matter less than you think and peers matter more.

Good kids have good parents

  • because parents do something that affects their kids
  • parents share the genes with the kids
  • child effects: the child is making the parents good, not vice-verse

Kids who have a family meal with their parents are less prone to take drugs

  • family meal makes kids less prone to take drugs
  • if kids don’t take drugs are more likely to be around for family meals
  • good families tend to raise kids who don’t take drug and have family meal. bad families tend to raise kids who take drug and don’t have family meal
  • age of the kids also matters, 12 years old more likely to have family meal and don’t take drug. 17 years old less likely to have family meal and take drug.