User Centered Metric

Hui Lin, Quantitative User Researcher @Google

July 1, 2021

Why do you care?

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
—— Peter Drucker

Why do you care?

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
—— Peter Drucker

What to measure? Let’s start with a caveat:

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. —— Goodhart’s Law

What do organizations track?

Page view, Uptime, Latency, Seven-day active users and Earning (PULSE)

Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue (AARRR!) or user funnel

  • Commonly used large-scale metrics
  • Focus on business or technical aspects of a product
  • They are all extremely important and are related to user experience.

However, they don’t give the full story

PULSE and AARRR: low-level or indirect metrics of user experience

  • Problematic when used to evaluate the impact of user interface (UI) changes
  • Ambiguous interpretation

Why is there a rise in page views?

Are the two the same happy story?

Are the two the same happy story?

What is user-centered metric tracking!?

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Behavior (what happen?) + Attitude (what is perceived?)

  • We need a complementary metrics framework

Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task success (HEART)

  • Happiness and Task success: user experience metrics
  • Engagement, Adoption, and Retention: user behavior
  • It is not always appropriate to employ metrics from every category, but referring to the framework helps to make an explicit decision about what to include.


Metrics that are attitudinal in nature that is often tracked using survey.

  • Satisfaction
  • Visual appeal
  • Likelihood to recommend
  • Perceived ease of use

For example: Change aversion after a major redesign


Users’ level of involvement with a product:

  • frequency: number of visits per user per week
  • intensity: number of minutes per user per day
  • depth of interaction over time: number of features used per user per week

For example: Gmail team chose the percentage of active users who visited the product on five or more days during the last week as the measure of user engagement.

Adoption and Retention

  • Provide insight into active users and address the problem of distinguishing new users from existing users
  • Adoption: How many users start using a product during a given time period
  • Retention: How many of the users from a given time period are still present in some later time period

It can be tricky to define “active” or “using a product”.

For example: Netlify had a surge in signup during a company-held tech conference. However, the daily active users didn’t change that much.

Task success

Behavioral metrics of user experience

  • efficiency (time to complete a task)
  • effectiveness (percent of tasks completed)
  • error rate (percent of failure)

Depending on the task, it can be difficult to track using the weblog because it is unclear which task the user was trying to accomplish.

For example: task success of a search query is much harder to get than task success of signup

Data Science Types v.s Needs

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Types of Questions

  • Comparison:
    • Are males more inclined to buy our products than females?
    • Are there any differences in customer satisfaction in different business districts?
  • Description:
    • Is the distribution of annual income normal?
    • Are there outliers?
    • What are the means of different customer segments?
  • Clustering:
    • Which customers have similar product preferences?
    • Which printer performs a similar pattern to the broken ones?
    • How many different themes are there in the corpus?

Types of Questions

  • Classification:
    • Who is more likely to buy our product?
    • Is the borrower going to pay back?
    • Is it spam?
  • Regression:
    • What will be the temperature tomorrow?
    • What is the projected net income for the next season?
    • How much inventory should we have?
  • Optimization:
    • What is the best route to deliver the packages?
    • What is the optimal advertisement strategy to promote a new product?

Types of Needs

  • Prediction/classification: image recognition, machine translation, spam/not_spam

  • Explanation: customer segmentation, feature prioritization

  • Causal inference: vaccine effectiveness, policy change

🔑 Questions

  • Do we want to intervene?

  • Is the cost of an error too high?

  • Does the problem have a simple objective?

💡 Waffle Houses and Divorce Rate

##     Location WaffleHouses South MedianAgeMarriage Marriage Divorce
## 1    Alabama          128     1              25.3     20.2    12.7
## 2     Alaska            0     0              25.2     26.0    12.5
## 3    Arizona           18     0              25.8     20.3    10.8
## 4   Arkansas           41     1              24.3     26.4    13.5
## 5 California            0     0              26.8     19.1     8.0
## 6   Colorado           11     0              25.7     23.5    11.6

💡 Waffle Houses and Divorce Rate

💡 Waffle Houses and Divorce Rate

  • Causal inference is directional but statistical association is not
  • Confounding: a variable that influences both treatment and outcome causes a spurious association
  • Post-treatment bias: controlling for consequence of treatment statistically knocks out treatment


Data Science Types v.s Needs

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