3.4 Aggregrate Functions

Learning Objectives

  • Describe various aggregate functions
  • Use various aggregate functions: AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, MAX and SUM to summarize and analyze data
  • Describe the DISTINCT function

Aggregate functions are used for various things such as finding the highest or lowest values, total number of records, average value, etc. We’re going to use a lot of these different types of aggregate functions to get descriptive statistics. The aggregate functions we can use are AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX, and SUM and all of these are pretty self explanatory.

Function Description
AVG() Averages a column of values
COUNT() Counts the number of values
MIN() Finds the minimum value
MAX() Finds the maximum value
SUM() Sums the column values
  • AVG()
SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) AS avg_price
FROM Products;
  • COUNT(*): Counts all the rows in a table containing NULL values
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_customers
FROM Customers;
  • COUNT(column): Counts all the rows in a specific column ignoring NULL values
SELECT COUNT(CustomerID) AS total_customers
FROM Customers;
  • SUM()
SELECT SUM(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock) AS total_price
FROM Products
WHERE SupplierID = 23;

One important thing to use with aggregate functions is the word DISTINCT. If the word DISTINCT isn’t specific in a statement, SQL will always assume you want all the data. For example, you may have a customer who’s in a table multiple times. If you’re counting customer IDs, you may count duplicate records in there. And this is really helpful to run queries where you’re counting distinct and to see if there are duplicates in a column. There are some things to keep in mind when using DISTINCT with our aggregate function of COUNT You can’t use DISTINCT on the COUNT(*).

FROM Customers;